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Central Scotland - land, wildlife, people 1993
Stirling Region ed. DWG Timms 1974
Contents and Index of The Transactions of the Stirling Natural History and Archaeological Society provided by John Harrison (https://www.johnscothist.com)
Westfield Project Report (5 September 2016)
Volume 1 1976
»      5      The Geomorphology of the Upper Forth Valley
»      21     The Return of the Hen Harrier
»      39     Habitat Select ion in the Birds of Woodland and Open Woodland of the Stirling Area
»      49     Stirling and Clackmannan Bird Report (1974 & 1975)
»      77     The Golden Eagle in the West of Scotland
»      89     Our 'Disappearing' Butterflies
»      107    Ecological Aspects of Some of the More Local Flowering Plants of the Western Ochil Hills
»      117    The Red German Catchfly in the Western Ochil Hills
»      123    Cultivation Terraces Along the Ochil Escarpment
»      141    On First Looking Into Chapman's Ledger
Volume 2 1977 part 1 part 2 part 3
»      3     Montagu's Harrier Breeding in Scotland - Edward A. Blake.
»      31    The Roost-flights of Whooper Swans in the Devon Valley (Central Scotland) - C. J. Henty.
»      36    Stirling and Clackmannan Bird Report (1976) - C. J. Henty.
»      49    Migrant Butterflies of Central Scotland - George Thomson.
»      55    A Vegetation Survey of East Flanders Moss S.S.S.I. - Peter Bannister.
»      69    A note on the Yellow Star-of-Bethlehem - Ian B. Crockart.
»      70    Breeding of the Common Crossbill Loxia curvirostre in the Stirling Region - John Mitchell.
»      71    Dutch Elm Disease in Central Scotland - E. N. Greensill.
»      79    Historical Sources for Central Scotland - B. J. Elliott.
»      81    Limestone Working : A Forgotten Stirlingshire Industry - K. J. H. Mackay.
»     106    Conservation Work in the Central Region - Angela K. Turner.
»      109    Sources for the History of Stirling and District since 1800 - Finlay McKichan.
»      117    The Antonine Wall - Lorna Main
Volume 3 1978
»    3     Editorial. 0n the Centenary of the Stirling Field Club. K. J. H. Mackay
»   10    Ecology of the Forth Estuary. Donald S. McLusky
»   23    Bird-Ringing in the Stirling Area, Report for 1977. Martin Davies
»   29    Corrigendum from Volume 2
»   30    Stirling and Clackmannan Bird Report 1977. C. J. Henty
»   47    Register of Ornithological Sites in the Stirling Region. Sandy Mitchel
»   56    The Heronry at Gartfairn Wood, Loch Lomondside. J. Mitchell
»   68    The Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos); the Relationship between the Success and Tenure of Breeding Sites. T. D. H. Merrie
»   71    The Plants and Soils of two Mineral Workings in the Ochil Hills. John Proctor and Margaret E. Bacon
»   78    Preliminary List of Fungi in the Stirling District. lan B. Crockart
»   81    Destination Kilmadock: Migration into the Parish of Kilmadock, Perthshire, using the 1861 Census Enumeration Book.     Janette E. Cochrane
»   99    Excavation at the Fairy Knowe, Buchlyvie — 1975-78. Lorna Main
»   112   Alloa Port, Customs and Excise Accounts — Analysis of a Local History Group's Research Project. Marion Haynes
»   128   A Scottish Local Newspaper as a Source of Local History. B. J. Elliott
Volume 4 1979
» 3 Earthquake Swarms in Scotland. Paul W. Burton and Graham Neilson
» 27 Some Aspects of the Climate of Central Scotland. J. S. Hopkins
» 33 Freshwater Fish Fauna of the Forth Area. Peter S. Maitland
» 49 Stirling and Clackmannan Bird Report 1978. C. J. Henty
» 60 Stirling and Clackmannan Bird Report 1979. C. J. Henty
» 75 Peregrines and Man in the Stirling Region. J. Mitchell
» 87 Some Unusual Plant Records from Menstrie. R. Cook
» 95 Larger Fungi of the Stirling Area. Roy Watling
» 111 Towards a History of the Labour Movement in Stirlingshire 1789-1922. James D. Young
Notes and Observations:
» 47 Kidney Vetch in the Stirling/Clackmannanshire Area. G. Thomson
» 48 An Old Record of the Large Blue Butterfly in Clackmannanshire. G. Thomson
» 48 Has the orange Tip Butterfly arrived yet? G. Thomson
» 86 Probable Breeding of the Common Crossbill. R. G. Caldow
Volume 5 1980
»    3    Why the Border Shook on Boxing Day, lain Bain
»    7    Annual Climatological Bulletin 1980, S. J. Harrison
»   23   Rainfall in the Stirling Area, S. J. Harrison
»   35   Fish Entrained in 1977 at Cockenzie Power Station, in the Firth of Forth, Peter S. Maitland, Kenneth East and Kenneth H. Morris
»   46   Forth Area Bird Report (Clacks, Stirling, Southwest Perth) 1980, C. J. Henty
»   67   Nocturnal Migration in Southwest and Central Scotland Detected by Moonwatching, C. J. Henty
»   72   The True Bugs (Heteroptera) of Tentsmuir Point, Fife, James K. Campbell
»   87   Ashfield- a Factory Village in South Perthshire, John D. Williams
»   96   Education in Bothkennar Parish in the Time of the Rev. William Nimmo, Historian of Stirlingshire, Andrew Bain
»   107    Some Background Notes on William Nimmo (1733-1788), First Historian of Stirlingshire, William B. Maclaren and Andrew Bain
»   114   The Old Scottish Poor Law- the Practice of Stirlingshire 1790- 1845, D. E. Gladstone
Volume 6 1981
»   1    Annual Climatological Bulletin 1981 — S. J. Harrison
»    19   Notes on a Stranding of a Bottle-nosed Whale on the mudflats at Skinflats — William B. Maclaren
»   25  Forth Area Bird Report (Clacks, Stirling, S.W. Perth), 1981 — C. J. Henty
»   35   The Decline of the Raven as a Breeding Species in Central Scotland — J. Mitchell
»   43   Lepidoptera from the Parish of Muckhart, S.E. Perthshire (Central Region) — D. M. Bryant
»   53   Some Invertebrates from Blawhorn Moss National Nature Reserve, W. Lothian — J. M. Nelson
»   62   True Bugs of Tentsmuir Point—Postscript — James K. Campbell
»   62   Education in Bothkennar —Corrigendum — Andrew Bain
»   63   Hoverflies of the Stirling Area — lain MacGowan
»   75    Notes on the Fungi of Ochtertyre Moss — Roy Watling
»   83   The Extent and Composition of Native Woodlands in Central Region —- Richard Keymer
»   97   In Search of the Buchanan Fern — J. Mitchell and J. B. Mason
»   101    Reconstructing Former Bird Communities — E. L. Jones
»   107   R L S at Bridge of Allan —— David Angus
Volume 7 1982/3
»   1    Annual Climatological Bulletin No. 4 1982 — S. J. Harrison
»    22   Scottish Lochs: Physical and Sedimentalogical investigations — John McManus
»   30   Book Review — Lothian Beaches
»   31    The Food of the Bullhead (Cottus gob/'0 L) in the Gogar Burn, Lothian, Scotland — Kenneth H. Morris
»   45    Forth Area Bird Report (Clacks, Stirling, Southwest Perth) 1982 — C. J. Henty
»   57    Lepidoptera of the Falkirk District of the Central Region — C. W. N. Holmes
»   77    Botanical Remains of Edible Plants from the Iron Age Broch at Fairy Knowe, Buchlyvie, near Stirling — W. E. Boyd
»   84    Coal mining at Culross: 16-17th Centuries — lan Bowman
Volume 8 1983/4
»   3    Annual Climatological Bulletin No. 5 1983 - S. J. Harrison
»    25   Pond Ecology — Tailend Moss Nature Reserve, West Lothian — B. A. Richardson and G. M. Shiells
»   41    It's Your Region 'Naturally' — M. McGinnes
»   51    Forth Area Bird Report 1983 — C. J. Henty
»   55    Some Insects from a Portion of East Flanders Moss, Central Region — J. M. Nelson
»   64    Robert Kidston, the Most Professional Palaeobotanist — Dianne Edwards
»   94   The Attitudes of the Stirlingshire Clergy to Poverty, Pauperism and Poor Relief Reform 1790—1845 7 D. E. Gladstone
»   109   An Oral History of the Hillfoots Textile Industry, Garry Scobie
Volume 9 1984/5
»   3    Annual Climatological Bulletin No. 6 1984 S. J. Harrison
»    25   Stream Temperatures at Howietoun Fish Farm, Stirling  - S. J. Harrison
»   39    Forth Area Bird Report (Clacks, Stirling, Southwest Perth) 1984 - C. J. Henty
»   49    Book Review 77 Birds in Scotland, Valerie Thorn
»   51    Giant Hogweed . . . by the River Allan and Part by the River Forth - R. Neiland, J. Proctor and R. Sexton
»   57   Recreation Management and Countryside Conservation - J. R. Turner
»   64  Book Review - Discovering West Lothian, F. Hendrie
»   65   People of the Forth (1). Thomas Johnston MP PC CH, 1882—1965 A B. J. Elliott
»   70    Book Review ~~ Stirling Observer 150 years on, R. McCutcheon
»   71   An Oral History of the Hillfoots Textile Industry
»   80    Book Review ~ The Boys from Bonnymuir, Tom Lannon
»   81   Airthrey Roads. Captain Haldane's Magic Roundabout - K. J. H. Mackay and David Angus
»   112  Book Reviews 77 Scottish Local History, David Moody - Discovering Scottish Battlefields, John Kinross
»   113  Fisher Row. Planned Housing and the Declining Fishing Industry in Late Seventeenth Century Stirling- John G. Harrison
Volume 10 1985/6
»      3   Annual Climatological Bulletin No. 7 1985 — S. J. Harrison
»    25   Forth Area Bird Report (Clacks, Stirling, Southwest Perth) 1985 and 1986 — C. J. Henty and M. V. Bell
»   53    A Provisional List of Vascular Plants Growing in Falkirk District - N. F. Stewart — with fold—out map at 54a
»   83   The Stirling Women's Oral History Project — Jayne D. Stephenson
»   88    The Hearth Tax and the Population of Stirling in 1691 — John G. Harrison — with fold-out map at 92a
»   110   F N & H and Associated Publications
»   111  Coming Shortly from F N & H
»   112   Some Recent Local Publications
»   113    Alloa and the Hillfoots Textile Industry — 1985 to 1987 events and historical background — Garry Scobie
»   121   Book Review ~ William Wallace by Andrew Fisher — J. M. Gilbert
Volume 11 1988
»    3     The Scenery of Scotland : the Structure Beneath - W. J. Baird
»   19    Annual Climatological Bulletin No. 8 1986; and No. 9 1987 - S. J. Harrison
»   63    Central Region Bird Report 1987 - C. J. Henty
»    83    The Sticky Catchfly (Lychnis viscaria L.) on Abbey Craig - N. F. Stewart
»    85    Book Review - The Scenery of Scotland : the Structure Beneath by W. J. Baird - V. Raeburn
»    86    The Young Forth Naturalist Awards
»    87    Book Reviews: Discovering Fife by Lament Brown - D. Angus; and Discovering East Lothian by Ian and Kathleen Whyte - D. G. Andrew
»   89    David Bruce - the Naturalist Years - J. Mitchell
»   95    Burns at Harviestoun - D. Angus
»   105    Stirl ing 1734 - A. T. N. Muirhead
»  121    Book Reviews: Sense of Place - L. Corbett; Parish of Killearn by A. Wilson, and Mercat Cross and Tolbooth by Craig Mair - B. J. Elliott
Volume 12 1989
»   3     Annual Climatological Bulletin No. 10 1988 - S. J. Harrison
»    27    Book Review - Living with Wildlife by David Stephen; and note on the Young Forth Environmentalist
»    28    Book Reviews - Annals of a Country Parish by William B. Maclaren; and Scottish Family History by David Moody-B. J. Elliott
»    29    Central Region Bird Report 1988 - C. J. Henty
»    51    Editorial Note - Bird Reports
»    52    Book Review - Ferries in Scotland by Marie Weir
»    53    Dutch Elm Disease in Central Scotland - Ruth Neiland and J. W. Shepherd
»    66    Authors/Reviewers Addresses
»    67    Flowers of West Fife: a Select Annotated List - G. H. Ballantyne
»    99    Queen Mary at Alloa Tower, 1566 - David Angus
»    114    Editorial Notes — Forthcoming
»    115    The Rise and Decline of the Coal and Railway Industries of Clackmannanshire - B. J. Elliott
»    125    Book Review - Agricultural Improvement in Strathkelvin 1700-1850 by Dorothy McGuire - John Shaw
»    126    Editorial Note - Beetles
»    127    Stirling District Libraries Community Heritage Project - Andrew Muirhead
»    128    Editorial Note - Man in the Landscape.
Volume 13 1990
»    3     Annual Climatological Bulletin No. 11 1989 - S. J. Harrison
»    24    Editorial Notes - forthcoming papers, books, maps, awards
»    25    The Charting of Scottish Lochs - R. W. Duck
»    30    Book Review - The Battle of Bannockburn . . . by W. M. Mackenzie
»    31    Central Region Bird Report 1989 - C. J. Henty
»    51    Brief Reviews - Birds and the North Sea, 10th anniversary . . . by S. Alexander; Global Rivers Environmental Education Programme and Network; Annals of Kinross-shire 490-1870 by R. and A. Moncreiff
»    53    Moorland Birds on the Campsie, Touch and West Ochil Hills, Stirling . . . J. Calladine et al
»    70    Book Review and Notes -- Drymen and Buchanan in Old Photographs by M. Bruce and A. Brown; Patterns of Error, the Teacher and External Authority in C. Scotland 1581-1861 by Andrew Bain
»    71    The Spring Return of Moorland Birds to the Ochil Hills . . . - C. J. Henty
»    77    In Search of the Buchanan Fern II - John Mitchell
»    79    Some Early Gravestones in Holy Rude Kirkyard, Stirling - John G. Harrison
»    97    People of the Forth (4): Who was Charles Rogers? - J. Malcolm Allan
»    107    Book Reviews - Stirling the Royal Burgh by Craig Mair; People and Society in Scotland 1830-1914 by editors W. H. Fraser and R. J. Morris
»    111    The Royal Hunt of a Lion, Charles Dickens at Bridge of Allan - David Angus
Volume 14 1991
»    3     Annual Climatological Bulletin No. 12 1990 - S. ]. Harrison
»    25    Review: Global Warming - Downing; Dunning - Wallace
»    26   Reviews: A Scottish Nature Diary - D. Willis; and The Scottish Environment No. 2 1989 - Scottish Office
»    27    Forth Area Bird Report 1990 - C. J. Henty
»    49    Review: Three Degrees West - S. Sankey; and Editorial Notes on Ledum on Flanders Moss, and Spiders of Wallacebank SSSI
»    50    Birds of the River Devon Surveyed over Ten Years - C. J. Henty
»    65    Wild Flowers of Balmerino Parish, Fife: 150 Years of Change - G. H. Ballantyne
»    84    In Search of the Buchanan Fern III - John Mitchell
»    86    Reviews: Reminiscences of Dollar and Tillicoultry - G. W. Gibson: and An Environmental Atlas of Scottish Fresh Waters
»    87    The Scottish Enclosures; New Farming and a New Landscape in the 18th Century; a Local Farmer's View - Lewis Stewart
»    101    People of the Forth (5): Thomas Stuart Smith - M. McGinnes
»    110    Reviews: The Balfron Heritage - J. Thomson; and Discovering the Pentland Hills - J. Crumley
»    111    Excavations at Airth - Geoff Bailey
»    121    Robert Louis Stevenson and the Trossachs - Louis Stott
Volume 15 1992
»    3     Global Warming: Reality or Bad Dream - S. J. Harrison
»    11    The Weather of 1991 - S. J. Harrison
»    19    Check List of Birds of Central Scotland - C. J. Henty and W. R. Brackenridge
»    26    Book Review: Robert Louis Stevenson and the Highlands and Islands of Scotland - Louis Stott
»    27    Forth Area Bird Report 1991 - C. J. Henty
»    54    Environment notes: British Gas Environmental Issues series: CWS Cooperation for the Environment series: Project Brightwater
»    55    Tropical Water Fern Azolla filiculoides at Airthrey Loch, Stirling University - Olivia Lassiere
»    57    Rock Art: an Introduction: Preface to Van Hoek's Rock Art of Menteith - Lorna Main
»    59    Prehistoric Rock Art of Menteith, Central Scotland - Maarten A. M. van Hoek
»    76    Recent Books: Exploring Scottish History: Enchantment of the Trosschs: Concise History of the Church in Alloa; Alloa in Georgian Times
»    77    People of the Forth (6): Saint Margaret, Queen of Scotland - Stewart M. Macpherson
»    87    Eighteenth Century Occasions: Communion Services in Georgian Stirlingshire - Andrew T. N. Muirhead
»    99    Quoiting in Central Scotland: Demise of a Traditional Sport - N. L. Tranter
»    117    Alloa: Port, Ships, Shipbuilding - Jannette Archibald
Volume 16 1993
»    3    The Weather of 1992 - S. J. Harrison
»    11    Recent Changes in the Weather in Central Scotland—S. J. Harrison
»    24    Book Review: The Islands of Loch Lomond - Clare Calder and Lynn Lindsay. Book Notes: Shell - Better Britain. Rural Forum— Managing the countryside around towns?
»    25    Forth Area Bird Report 1992 - C. J. Henty
»    52    Editorial Note: Forthcoming book Central Scotland
»    53    Our Birds: a Conservationist's View - Stephen Sankey
»    57    Honour for John Mitchell
»    58    The Heronry at Gartcairn Wood, Loch Lomondside: an Update - John Mitchell
»    59    Bird Communities in Oak and Norway Spruce Woodlands on Loch Lomondside: a Long-Term Study - D. M. Bryant
»    70    Book Review: From Church to State - Andrew Bain
»    71    Twenty Five Years On: the Impact of the University - J. Trainer
»    77    Sport and Recreation: 25 Years of Change - Ian Thomson
»    82    Lime Supply in the Stirling Area from the 14th to the 18th Centuries - John G. Harrison
»    90    Book Review: Mists and Scree: Poetry of the Scottish Hills - Rennie McOwan
»    91    Bridge of Allan, 'Queen of the Scottish Spas': 19th Century Development as a Health Resort - Alastair J. Durie
»    104    Book Notes: including - Killin Branch Railway; Killin in Old Photographs; Jeely Pieces and Clootie Dumpling; Bygone Days in Cambusbarron
»    105    The Voters of Clackmannan in 1832 - J. I. Brash
»    119    People of the Forth (7): Allan Mair: the Last Person to be Executed in Stirling - Craig Mair
Volume 17 1994
»   3    Mineral Resource Collecting at the Alva Silver Mines - Brian Jackson
»   5    The Weather of 1993 - S. J. Harrison
»   13    Alpine Foxtail (Alopecurus Trin.) in the Ochils - R. W. M. Corner
»   15    Woodlands for the Community - Alastair Seaman
»   22    Environmental History - an emergent discipline
»   23    Forth Area Bird Report 1993 - C. J. Henty
»   54    The Northern Emerald: an Addition to the Forth Valley Dragonfly Fauna - John T. Knowler and John Mitchell: Hermitage Wood: Symposium
»   55    Mountain Hares in the Ochil Hills - Alex Tewnion
»   63    Clackmannan River Corridors Survey - Cathy Tilbrook
»   67    Book Reviews and Notes (Naturalist)
»   69    Norway: Author/Reviewers Addresses
»   70    New Light on Robert Louis Stevenson - Louis Stott
»   74    R. L. Stevenson and France; Stevenson Essays of Local Interest
»   75    Bridge of Allan: a Heritage of Music; and its Museum Hall - Gavin Millar and George McVicar
»   89    Blairlogie: a Short History of Central Scotland's First Conservation village - Alastair Maxwell-Irving
»   94    Trial of Francis Buchanan 1746 - George Thomson
»   95    People of the Forth (3) Part 2: David Bruce: Medical Scientist, Soldier, Naturalist - G. F. Follett
»   103    The Ancient Bridge of Stirling: a New Survey - R. Page
»   111    Launching Forth: The River - Alloa to Stirling - David Angus
»   119    Archaeology Notes - Lorna Main and Editor
»   121    Book Reviews and Notes (Historical)
Volume 18 1995
»   3    The Weather of 1994 - S. J. Harrison.
»   13    A Bathymetric Resurvey of the Lake of Menteith - Silke F. K. Wewetzer.
»   21    Forth Area Bird Report 1994 - C. J. Henty.
»   55    Book Review - The University of Stirling ... by R. G. Bomont.
»   56    Book Reviews and Notes (Naturalist) - Extinct Encounter (butterfly); SNH's Boglands, and Natura 2000, and Loch Lomond to Stirling (landscape).
»   57    The Wintering Birds of Two Contrasting Farming Landscapes - C. J. Henty.
»   66    Book Review and Notes (Naturalist) - A Scottish Strategy for Environmental Education. 'MFMM' ornithologist extraordinary; Birds of the Endrick Mouth; Old Cornstone Workings.
»   67    Forestry in the Ochils - Syd House.
»   74    Book Reviews and Notes (Historical) - The Hillfoots ... by Ian Murray; The Noblest Jacobite ... by A. K. Smith; Stirling the Royal Burgh by Craig Mair.
»   75    The Founding of Thornhill in 1696 - G. A. Dixon.
»   83    Joseph Denovan Adam (1842-1896), Animal Painter. People of the Forth (8) - Maria Devaney.
»   93    Clan Gregor and its Settlement in Rannoch, a Review of Traditional Sources - Sheila McGregor.
»   108    Further Notes on the District of Mentheith. 1 The Cunninghame Graham Country. People of the Forth (9) - Louis Stott.
»   117    Early Textile Industry and Planned Villages in the Endrick Valley - J. Leiper.
»   126    Book Reviews and Notes - History of Dunblane by Batty; Polmaise 3 and 4. Mining Fatalities by A. Bone; William Wallace in Film and History.
»   127    The First School Board of Tulliallan, 1873-76; Uneasy Transition from Church to State - Andrew Bain.
»   138    Book Reviews and Notes - Stirling, a Stroll Down Memory Lane by Elma Lindsay; Discovering West Lothian by W. F. Hendrie; Two Ladies and & their Garden by Hilary Gunkel; Seeking Mr Hyde, Studies in Robert Louis Stevenson by Tom Hubbard; The Life and Times of Falkirk by Ian Scott; The Ochils - place names, history, tradition oy Angus Watson.
»   139    Authors' Addresses.
»   140    Forth Naturalist and Historian publications list.
Volume 19 1996
»   3    The Landscape and Geology of Clackmannanshire - M. E. Browne and D. Grinly.
»   26    Book Review (Naturalist) - Loch Lomond; the Forth.
»   27    The Corbetts of Central Scotland - Ian Collie.
»   33    The Weather of 1995 - S. J. Harrison.
»   45    The Forth Area Bird Report 1995 - C. J. Henty.
»   82    Book Reviews and Notes (Naturalist) - Soils; Water; Glasgow Naturalist.
»   83    Inversnaid RSPB Nature Reserve, the First Ten Years - M. Trubridge.
»   67    Forestry in the Ochils - Syd House.
»   91    Wildlife Conservation Comes to Grangemouth - a Potted History of the Jupiter Project - W. R. Brackenridge
»   97    The Heart of Scotland's Environment (HSE): an Environmental Database on CD-ROM - D. Grinly.
»   102    Book Reviews and Notes (Historical) - Falkirk; Carron Co.; Stirling Bridge.
»   103    Prehistoric Art around Castleton Farm, Airth, Central Scotland - M. van Hoek.
»   114    Book Reviews - Industrial Heritage; Forth to Devon..
»   115    The Stirling Presbytery, 1604-1612: and the Re-imposition of an Erastian Episcopy - Wayne Pearce.
»   128    Book Reviews - Buchlyvie; Menstrie.
»   129    Further Notes on the District of Menteith: 2. John Graham of Duchray 1600-1700: People of the Forth (10) - Louis Stott.
»   137    Book Reviews and Notes. The Scottish Wars of Independence, and Wallace, Bruce ... - Fiona Watson; Thornhill ...a Social History - G. Dixon; Man and the Landscape Symposia.
»   143    Authors' Addresses.
»   144    Forth Naturalist and Historian publications list.
Volume 20 1997
»   3    Old Limestone Workings in Glen Tye, Western Ochils; with notes on their associated flora - John Mitchell.
»   7    The Weather of 1996 – S. J. Harrison.
»   17    The Forth Area Bird Report 1996 – C. J. Henty.
»   53    The Raven: Current Status as a Breeding Species in Scotland -P. Stirling-Aird.
»   57    The Chequered Skipper and Butterfly Conservation in Scotland -David Spooner.
»   61    First in Fish Culture: Sir James Maitland and Howietoun. People of the Forth (11)-Stephen Hill.
»   Book Reviews and Notes - Naturalist: Loch Lomond Map; and Images of Loch Lomond (p5); Owls (p6); Ardentallen; and The Rhossdhu Reindeer Antlers (p16); Where to Watch Birds; and Birds (Wings), Video (p52); Butterfly Conservation (p56); Scottish Woodland History; and Robert Burns, a Man of All Seasons (p70).
»   71    Between Carron and Avon: the Grangemouth Area Since 1600 - John G. Harrison.
»   93    Scotland's Liberator: the Life and Legacy of William Wallace - Elspeth King.
»   99    Barbour to Braveheart: Re-interpreting the Battle of Stirling Bridge. The Welsh Memorial Lecture, 1997 - Fiona Watson.
»   113   The Ancient Bridge of Stirling: the Continuing Search - R. Page.
»   118   Stirling Old Bridge: a 16th Century Re-formation - John G. Harrison.
»   119   Stirling Blackfriars and the Reformation - R. and C. Page.
»   123   Shell Midden at Braehead, Alloa - P. J. Ashmore and D. Hall.
»   Book Reviews and Notes - Historical: Local Past; and Bridge of Allan in Old Postcards (p92); Rowing on the Forth at Stirling (p100);   Reading Perthshire; and Ring of Words - the Trossachs (p112).
Volume 21 1998 and cover
»   3    Global Warming: Where are we now? – S. J. Harrison.
»   7    The Weather of 1997 – S. J. Harrison.
»   17    The Forth Area Bird Report 1997 – C. J. Henty.
»   53    Bo’mains Meadow, Bo’ness – Angus Smith.
»   55    The Douglas Society and Bicentenary of the Birth of David Douglas, 1799 – Archie Smith.
»   57    Lawhill Community Woodland – a Year On – Martin Boardman.
»   Book Reviews and Notes (Naturalist): Butterflies of the Millennium p62; Environmental Information in Scotland p62; Flanders Moss p16; Forth Estuary Forum p61; The Nature of Fife p16; Discovering the Firth of Forth p52; Man and the Landscape Symposia p62; The Effective Alternative p6; The Glasgow Naturalist p52.
»   63    The Wallace Oak, Torwood and Roy’s Military Survey – Colin D. I. G. Forrester.
»   71    James Watt’s Surveys Around Stirling – Richard L. Hill.
»   85    Harvey’s ‘Lost’ Child Restored – and On Show! – Marie Devaney.
»   89    The Legend of Robert Kirk Reconsidered – Louis Stott.
»   97    The Kinrosses of Stirling and Dunblane. People of the Forth (11) – Lindsay Corbett and John S. Kinross.
»   109    The Bicentenary of the Raploch, Stirling’s Georgian Planned Village – G. A. Dixon.
»   117    The Built and Archaeological Heritage of the Forth – P. J. Ashmore and I. Oxley.
»   131    A Stirling Church – R. and C. Page.
»   Book Reviews and Notes (Historical): Archive Photo Series p88; Bannockburn Years pp135-6; Barbour’s Bruce p116; Menstrie Glen pp136-7; Stone Age Alpha p88; Carron Iron Works p134; Towards Democracy in Education p96; Blind Harry’s Wallace p88.
»   129    Further Notes on the District of Menteith: 2. John Graham of Duchray 1600-1700: People of the Forth (10) - Louis Stott.
»   143    Authors' Addresses.
»   144    Forth Naturalist and Historian publications list.
Volume 22 1999 and cover
»   3    The Weather of 1998 – S. J. Harrison.
»   14    Book Reviews – Forth Integrated Management Strategy; Estuaries of Central Scotland.
»   15    The Forth Area Bird Report 1998 – C. J. Henty.
»   43    CARSE: Recording the Natural Heritage of Stirling, Falkirk, Clackmannanshire – Lesley Brown.
»   45    Wallacebank Wood Wildlife Reserve 1986-1999 – Angus Smith.
»   54    Book Reviews – Species History of Scotland; – The Glasgow Naturalist.
»   55    The Odonata (Dragonflies) of the Forth Area – E. M. and R. W. J. Smith.
»   60    Journals of the University Library by FNH; Addresses of Authors and Reviewers.
»   61    Plants of Falkirk District: an Update – W. R. Brackenridge.
»   66    Book Reviews – Loch Lomond and the Trossachs; – Scotland, World Bibliographic Series 34; – Access to the Countryside.
»   67    Brambles of the Trossachs and Stirling: Rodgers 1896 Scottish Visit Retraced – G. H. Ballantyne.
»   76    Man and the Landscape Symposia – L. Corbett.
»   78    An Association of Heritage Societies in mid Scotland – Bill Inglis.
»   79    The Wallace Oak, Torwood; Supplement to Forrester (FNH 21) – L. Corbett.
»   92    Book Reviews – Scotland’s Roman Remains; History of Dollar; Memories of St. Ninians.
»   93    The Torwood and the Wallace Oak: some Early Records – John G. Harrison.
»   97    Sir George Harvey PRSA; People of the Forth (12) – Maria Devaney.
»   107     The Sheriffmuir Atlantic Wall: an Archaeological Survey on part of the Whitestone Range – D. Cowley.
»   117     My Stirling as Remembered 70 years ago – Duncan McNaughton.
»   133     Bridges of the Forth and its Tributaries – Louis Stott.
»   154     Book Reviews – On the Trail of William Wallace; On the Trail of Robert the Bruce; Under the Hammer: Edward I and Scotland; Revue de Terroir.
»   156     The Forth Naturalist and Historian.
Volume 23 2000
Flanders Moss Papers – are from the 1998 MIRES conference at Stirling.
»   3    The Geomorphological Setting of Flanders Moss – D.E. Smith and L.K. Holloway.
»   21    A Vegetation Survey of East Flanders Moss, Northern Section and a Comparison with the Southern – Alan Booth.
»   37    Conservation and Trees at Flanders Moss – Olivia Bragg.
»   50    Book Reviews:– Ancient Trees… that live 1000 years – Parker; Listen to the Trees – MacCaskill; Theatrum Animalium, butterflies and moths – Thomson; Red Sky at Night – Barrington; In Search of Ross’s Gull – Densley.
»   51    The Palaeoenvironmental and Archaeological Potential of Flanders Moss East – Clare Ellis.
»   67    The Weather of 1999 – S.J. Harrison.
»   75    The Forth Area Bird Report – C.J. Henty and W.R. Brackenridge.
»   101    Wintering and Breeding Birds of Long-Term Set-Aside in the Forth Valley – C.J. Henty.
»   106    Book Reviews:– Root Causes of Bio-diversity Loss – Wood; Rothiemurchus… nature and people… – Smout; Archaeological Requirements – Main; Fairy Knowe, Buchlyvie… – Main; Clackmannanshire – map.
»   107    Native Woodlands: a Friends of the Ochils Project – Cathy Tilbrook.
»   110    Book Reviews:– Loch Lomond and the Trossochs – McOwan; Nigel Tranter: Scotland’s Storyteller – Bradfield; Shale Voices – Findlay;  Bannockburn – Reese.
»   111    Biodiversity: Conserving the Variety of Life: Local Action Planning and the Falkirk Area Perspective – Anna Perks.
»   118    Book Reviews:– Ardoch 2000 – Hutchison; Stories Behind some Burns’ Songs… – Watters; SATH – History Teaching Review; The Kingdom of  Kippen – Begg; Discover Old Stirling – Mair.
»   119    The Falkirk Wheel – Marischal Ellis.
»   123    The Garden at Cowane’s Hospital (the Guildhall), Stirling: a Brief History – Carol Green.
»   131     St. Mary’s Church, Aberfoyle – Peter Joynson.
»   133     Music in Stirling: Know the Score – George McVicar.
»   142     The Forth Naturalist and Historian.
»   143     Early Football at Callander – Neil Tranter.
»    148    Bannockburn Revealed: a reappraisal – Scott
Volume 24 2001
»   3    Pollen Analyses and Historic Landscape Change at Ashentrool, Menstrie Glen – R. Tipping, R. Waldron and D. Cowley.
»   9    The Weather of 2000 – S.J. Harrison.
»   23    The Forth Area Bird Report – C.J. Henty.
»   49    Some Spiders of Flanders Moss – J.A. Stewart.
»   57    Dragonflies and Damselflies: Opportunities for Further Recording in the Forth Valley – Jonathan Willet.
»   65    Management of Hermitage Wood, Stirling University – Chris Perkins.
»   67    Bill Brackenbridge (1952-2000) FNH Board Member – L. Corbett.
»   68    Book Reviews:– Loch Lomond: a special place; Loch Lomondside: Gateway to the Western Highlands – Mitchell; The Millennium Atlas of Butterflies in Britain and Ireland; Birdnews; Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park. Draft Statutory Order; Scotland’s Environment: the Future.
»   69    Forty Years On: Stirling Field and Archaeological Society – K.J.H. Mackay; and on p71 the book review – First Generations: the Stirling area from Mesolithic to Roman times – Main.
»   72    Book Reviews:– From Here to Sustainability: politics in the real world; Loch Lomondside … pt3. Early guide books for the scientific tourist; Bird Census Techniques – Bibby; Shorebirds; Islands of Loch Lomond: footprints from the past – Friends of Loch Lomond.
»   73    Gilbert Farm Cunningham of Alva: printer, translator, polymath. People of the Forth (13) – D. Spooner.
»   84    Book Reviews – three by RCAHMS – Historic Landscape of Loch Lomond and the Trossachs; Historic Landscape of The Cairngorms; and ‘Well Sheltered and Watered’: Menstrie Glen, a farming landscape; - the Shielings and Drove Ways of Loch Lomondside – Mitchell; In Search of Scotland – Smout.
»   85    The Stirlings of Keir in the 18th Century, Restoring the Family Fortunes in the British Empire – Bill Inglis.
»  104    Book Reviews – Scotland a History: 8000BC-AD2000 – Watson; The Battle of Bannockburn, 1314 – Nusbacher; On the Trail of Bonnie Prince Charlie – Ross; Kings and Queens of Scotland – Oram.
»  105    Glasgow’s Water Supply – P. Joynson.
»  111     The Trossachs in Art – Louis Stott.
»  138     Book Reviews:– Mining from Kirkintilloch to Clackmannan and Stirling to Slammanan – Hutton; Reminiscences of Dollar and Tillicoultry – and other districts adjoining the Ochils – Gibson; Clackmannan and the Ochils: an illustrated architectural guide – Swan.
»  139     World Tartans – Zaczek; Editorial Notes – Wallace; Forthcoming papers; Author Addresses.
»  140     The Forth Naturalist and Historian.
Volume 25 2002 part 2 and cover
»   3    The Weather of 2002 – S.J. Harrison.
»   9    Book Reviews:– Rain – Cathcart; Cairngorms National Park; the Stirling, Falkirk, and Clackmannanshire, Biodiversity Action Plans, by Willet, Perks, and Campbell.
»   11    The Forth Area Bird Report – C.J. Henty.
»   36    Book Reviews:– Millennium Forest Trust; Bryophytes – Crawford; Fauna Britannica; George Forrest, and Polerth dockyard, in the journal Calatria.
»   37    J.A. Harvie-Brown (1844-1916): Ornithologist: People of the Forth (14) – K.J.H. Mackay.
»   41    The Present Status of Scotland’s Rarest Butterflies: in memory of John Berry naturalist extraordinary and lepidopterist for all seasons – David Spooner.
»   53    Freshwater Fish of Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park – Peter Maitland.
»   65    The Bill Brackenbridge Memorial Project – Brian Thomson.
»   67    Editorial Notes:– FNH journal indexes, and back issues; Bob McCutcheon; Forthcoming and Author Addresses.
»   68    Book Reviews:– Biosphere reserves – UNESCO MAB; Fishes in Estuaries – Elliott & Hemingway; Keith Brockie and Fabulous Ferns – in the Scots Magazine.
»   69    The Thistle and the Rose,1502-13: a conference to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Treaty of Perpetual Peace,  1502 – Michael Penman. Includes – The Political Context of the Perpetual Peace, by Norman Macdougall, and  synopses of papers – Stewart and Tudor Literature – P. Bawcutt, Music – A. Ashbree, and Architecture – R. Fawcett; Book of hours – I. Barnes; Renaissance Queenship – J. Laynesmith; and the Stirling Castle exhibition.
»   88    Book Reviews:– Stirling Castle, Great Hall restoration – Fawcett; Stone Age Alpha – Peterson; Cunninghame Graham – Fraser;  Dunmore Pottery  – Cruikshank.
»   89    Writers and Artists of the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park: Scenery of a Dream – Louis Stott.
»   98    Book Reviews:– Alva – Dovey; Bannockburn 1314 – Armstrong; In the footsteps of Wallace – Young & Stead; Francis Frith’s Picturesque  Harbours – Solby.
»   99    The Stirling Unionist Club, 1901-1919 – David Perry.
»  108     Book Reviews:– Millennium Canals – Hutton; Shipping of the Forth – Hendrie; Old Alloa – Hutton; Scotland Magazine.
»  109     The Reverend Duncan MacFarlan (1708-1791) – John Mitchell.
»  112     The Forth Naturalist and Historian.
Volume 26 2003 and cover
Papers on Scotland’s Weather and Climate–from the 28th FNH Symposium 2002
»   3    Climate Changes and the Natural Heritage of Scotland – Noranne Ellis
»   10    Book Reviews:– The Working Countryside in the Forth Valley; Saving Butterflies; Native Woodlands of Scotland; Scottish Natural History Societies and Allied Groups; and A Scource Book for Biological Recording in Scotland – both by BRISC; Landscapes and Lives: the Scottish Forest through the Ages – Fowler
»   11    Nature’s Calendar: – recording when natural events occur. Phenology – Angela Douglas
»   19    Reconstructing the Last 1000 Years of Scotland’s Climate: A History of Weather and Climate in the North Atlantic Region – Alastair G. Dawson
»   25    Detecting changes at the local level – S.J. Harrison
»   32    Book Reviews:– People and Woods in Scotland: a History; Scottish Association of Georgraphy Treachers Journal;  Early Prehistory of Scotland;  The Birdwatcher’s Yearbook and Diary; Where to Watch Birds in Scotland – Madders and Welstead; Scottish Birds – Thom; Footpaths in  Scotland; The Story of Hillwalking – Storer
»   33    Clackmannanshire Breeding Bird Atlas – Andre Thiel
»   37    Forth Area Bird Report 2002 – C.J. Henty
»   67    The Fleas (siphonaptera) recorded from Clackmannanshire – R.S. George
»   70    Book Reviews:– Old Alloa, Old Clackmannan, Old Kinross – Hutton; The White Pantom of the Loch – Gordon; Discovery and Excavation in Scotland; Gargunnock, Parish, Village, Guest House – McCallum; Scottish Pottery Historical Review 2002 No. 22; An Archaeological Field Survey of Leny Wood at the Pass of Leny;  Around Doune and Deanston – Ross; Glasgow’s Other River – the Kelvin – Matheson
»   71    The Distribution of Lampreys in the River Teith – Peter Maitland
»   85    Weather Records for Central Scotland AD 1651-1659 – the Diaries of John Lamont and John Nicholl – Alastair G. Dawson
»   92    Book Review:– Stirling Bridge & Falkirk 1297-98 – Armstrong
»   93    Gainsborough’s Beautiful Mrs Graham (Mary Cathcart of Schaw Park) – Helen Smailes
»   97    Early Historic (Dark Age) Stirling: was the Gowan Hill Bede’s Giudi?–Ron Page
»  105     Heavy Metal Mines of the Ochils: chronology and context – John G. Harrison
»  119     The Founding of Gartmore in 1725 – G. A. Dixon
»  125     Annie Steedman Hunter: a very radical reformer. People of the Forth (14) – A.J. and C.E. Durie
»  134     Author Addresses
»  135     Book Reviews:– Scotland for the Holidays – Durie; Stirling’s Talking Stones–Lindsay; The Cairngorm Gateway–Glen; Dreams of Elsewhere – Steiner Sawyer; R.B. Cunninghame Graham: Fighter for Justice – Fraser; Shipping of the River Forth – Hendrie
»  136     The Forth Naturalist and Historian
Volume 27 2004
»   3     Forth Naturalist and Historian
»   4     Editorial and Hon. Sec. Notes and Erratum
»   5     Dunblane Weather 2002/3 – Neil Bielby
»   11     Restoration Management of Flanders Moss – David Pickett
»   17     Garden Bird Trends in the Forth Area – Clare Clark and Dan Chamberlain
»   30     Book Reviews: – The Scottish Naturalist; Scotland’s Future Landscapes – SNH; The Glasgow Naturalist; Flora Celtica: Plants and People in Scotland – Milliken and Bridgewater; The Wind in My Face – Bridget MacCaskill
»   31     Scottish Raptor Study Groups – Patrick Stirling-Aird
»   33     Forth Area Bird Report 2003 – A. Thiel and M.V. Bell
»   68     Book Reviews: – Scenes – Scottish environmental news; BTO/CJ Garden Watch Book – Toms; Bird Table: magazine of Garden Bird Watch; Time to Fly: exploring bird migration – Flegg
»   69     Ephemeroptera of Clackmannanshire – Craig Macadam
»   76     Book Reviews: – BTO Nest Box Guide – de Feu; Floating Islands: a global bibliography – Van Duzer; Scottish Bird Report 2001 – SOC
»   77     Greater Butterfly-Orchids – Roy Sexton and Ewan McQueen
»   91     Harvestmen Associated with the Restoration of Habitats at Flanders Moss – Nicky Swain and Michael Usher
»  101     The Founding Decade of Modern Bridge of Allan, 1836-45 – George Dixon
»  111     James Monteath of Glentye (Sherrifmuir) c1675-1719 – Bill Inglis
»  125     A company from Castlehill: the 4th Stirling Boys’ Brigade – Kenneth Scott
»  132     Author Addresses
»  133     Book Reviews: – The Forth and Clyde Canal, a History – Dowds; Stevenson’s Scotland – Hubbard and Glen; Muckhart: history of the parish; Three into One: school boards, Bothkennar, Polmont, Grangemouth – Bain; Around Stirling – John Pearson Harpnia Association Scotland; David   II, 1329-71: the Bruce Dynasty in Scotland – Penman;  Loch Lomond and the Trossachs in History and Legend – Ransom; Robert The Bruce – Brown
»  134     Book Reviews: - By the Banks of Loch Lomond – Noble; The Trossachs History and Guide – Hendrie; Port of Leith & Granton – Somner; The Past Around Us: past and present Alloa – Stewart; Victorian Alloa, the burgh’s 150th anniversary – Archibald; Doune Historical Notes – Mackay; Doocots of Stirlingshire – Logie
Volume 28 2005 and cover
»     5    Dunblane Weather 2004 – Neil Bielby
»    13    Surveying the Large Heath Butterfly with Volunteers in Stirlingshire – David Pickett and Julie Stoneman
»    21    Clackmannanshire’s Ponds – a Hidden Treasure – Craig Macadam
»    25    Carron Valley Reservoir: Analysis of a Brown Trout Fishery – Drew Jamieson
»    39    Forth Area Bird Report 2004 – Andre Thiel and Mike Bell
»    79    Alloa Inch: The Mud Bank that became an Inhabited Island – Roy Sexton and Edward Stewart
»   105    Water-Borne Transport on the Upper Forth and its Tributaries – John Harrison
»   111    Wallace’s Stone, Sheriffmuir – Lorna Main
»   113    The Great Water-Wheel of Blair Drummond (1787-1839) – Ken MacKay
»   119    Accumulated Index Vols 1-28
Volume 29 2006 and cover
»      1-3    Prelims
»      4      John Proctor
»      5     Focus on Callander and its Environs: a Personal Overview of its History - Ken Dunn.
»      10    Book Reviews
»      11    The Stirling Heads and the Smith Panels - Michael Bath.
»      16    Book Reviews
»      17    The Macfarlane Museum of Natural History, Coneyhill - J. Malcolm Allan..
»      26    Book Review - St Saviours at 150
»      27    Book Review - Rome's First Frontier
»      29    Coxet Hill and the New Park of Stirling - John G. Harrison.
»      35    Bell of Antermony: Bringing a Traveller Back Home - David McVey.
»      39    An Early Historic Fort on the Abbey Craig - Lorna Main.
»      41    Clackmannanshire Breeding Bird Atlas: a Progress Report - David Thorogood.
»      47    Clackmannanshire Pond Survey - Craig Macadam.
»      80    Author Addresses
»      81    Forth Area Bird Report 2005 - Andre Thiel, Mike Bell and Neil Bielby.
»     143   The Weather 2005 - Malcolm Shaw..
Volume 30 2007 and part 2
»     1-3 Prelims
»     5 Lindsay Corbett – Obituary
»     Historical Papers
»     7 Robert Dick of Tullibody: Baker, Amateur Naturalist and Victorian Icon (People of the Forth 15) – Margaret Mercer and Roy Sexton
»     23 Loch Lomondside's Forgotten Waterways – John Mitchell
»     29 The Royal Court and The Community of Stirling to 1603 – John G. Harrison
»     51 The Stirling Heads and The Stirling Smith – Elspeth King
»     61 Museum Hall, Bridge of Allan – John Murphy
»     68 Author Addresses
»     69 Book Review: Cowane's Hospital Garden (the Guildhall) Stirling Naturalist Papers
»     73 The Northern Brown Argus in the Ochil Hills, Clackmannanshire – John Gallacher
»     81 The Weather 2006 – Malcolm G. Shaw
»     85 New Record for the Comma Butterfly in Central Scotland – Heather Young and Sue and Roy Sexton
»     89 Forth Area Bird Report 2006 – Andre Thiel and C.J. Pendlebury
Volume 31 2008 and part 2 and and cover

»      5    Rebirth of a Railway - David Bytheway.
»     15 Sir John Murray of the Challenger Expedition: Founder of Oceanography People of the Forth (16) - Roy and Cathy Sexton and Ken Mackay.
»      35    Stirling, Gateway to the North: I Roman Roads and Early Routes - Ron Page.
»      47    Stirling, Gateway to the North: II Ancient Drove and Military Roads - Ron Page.
»      61    A New Chambered Cairn in the Upper Forth Valley - Angela Gannon.
»      67   Scotland's Rural Past in the Forth Valley - Tertia Barnett.
»      75    Dunblane Weather Report 2007 - Neil Bielby and Malcolm Shaw.
»      81    Forth Area Bird Report 2007 - Andre Thiel and C.J. Pendlebury.
»      117  Come North: Glassert Game Books and Diaries - Alastair Durie and Karl Magee.
Volume 32 2009 and cover
»      5      Changes in the control of Education in Stirlingshire 1560-1930 – Andrew Bain
»      15     Janet Reid (1777-1854) Forgotten Poetess of Carnock and Bridge of Allan – David A. Flint
»      33     Plant Records
»      43     Dunblane Weather Report 2008 – Neil Bielby
»      51     The status of Arctic Charr Salvelinus Alpinus – in the Forth Catchment – Peter S. Maitland
»      65     Landslides of Kippenrait Glen – Michael F. Thomas
»      79     Forth Area Bird Report 2008 – Andre Thiel and C.J. Pendlebury
»      117    Book Review - Light on Dark Age Scotland
Volume 33 2010 and cover
»      5       James Gray Seed and Grain Merchant Stirling - Kate Dean
»      13     The Gartmorn Lade System - Murray Dickie
»      33     Dunblane Voices from the Great War - Bill Inglis
»      49     The Kirkyard Cemeteries beside Stirling Castle - John G. Harrison
»      61     Buried Treasure: a Major Iron Age Gold Hoard from the Stirling Area - Fraser Hunter
»      65     Visit by Dr. Robert Munro to the Strathcashell Crannog Loch Lomond - John Mitchell
»      69     Dunblane Weather Report 2009 – Neil Bielby
»      79     The Sparling Omerus Esperlanus in the Forth - Peter S. Maitland
»      91     Plant Records 2009-10 - Roy Sexton et al
»      99     Confirmed Breeding of the Comma Butterfly Polygonia c-album in Central Scotland - Heather Young
»     101     Forth Area Bird Report 2009 – Andre Thiel and Chris J. Pendlebury
Volume 34 2011 and cover
»      5       Brownfield Biodiversity in Falkirk – Suzanne Bairner and Craig Macadam
»      23     2010 Moth Records for Stirlingshire and West Perthshire (Vice Counties 86 and 87) – John T. Knowler
»      29     The Return of the Red Kite – Michael McDonnell
»      39     Dunblane Weather Report 2010 – Neil Bielby
»      51     Landslides in Kippenrait Glen – Observations 11 April to 24 June 2011 – Michael F. Thomas
»      59     Plant Report 2010-2011 – Roy Sexton et al
»      69     Forth Area Bird Report 2010 – Andre Thiel and Chris J. Pendlebury
»     113   The Archaeology of the Renovation of Dunblane Cathedral Museum – Beverley Ballin Smith, Alastair Becket, Gavin MacGregor, David Sneddon and Bob Will
»      129     Stirling Castle, The Army and The Town c.1640-c.1900 – John G. Harrison
»      145     Fallin's Gothenburg Public House and Stirling's Forgotten Swimming Pool – Craig Mair
»      153    Records of Her Majesty's Customs and The Port of Alloa Regarding The 1745 Rebellion – Neville Dix and Murray Dickie
»      159     Report of the Forth Naturalist & Historian Man and the Landscape Symposium 2010 – Richard Tipping
»      166     Book Reviews
»      168     An Introduction to the Trossachs Landscape History Network
Volume 35 2012
»      5       Greenland White Fronted Geese Anser Albifrons Flavirostris at Loch Lomond National Nature Reserve – Stephen Longster
»      11     Plant Report 2011-2012 – Roy Sexton and Sarah Longrigg
»      21     Landslide Changes in Kippenrait Glen and Related Events Since November 2011 – Michael F. Thomas
»      31     Dunblane Weather Report 2011 – Neil Bielby
»      43    2011 Moth Records for Stirlingshire and West Perthshire (Vice Counties 86 and 87) – John T. Knowler
»      47    Forth Area Bird Report 2011 – Andre Thiel and Chris. J. Pendlebury
»      93     Report of the Forth Naturalist and Historian Man and the Landscape Symposium 2011 Celebrating Central Scotland's Geodiversity –  Richard Tipping
»      99     Cambuskenneth Abbey and its Estate: Lands, Resources and Rights – Richard Oram
»      113     A Picture Postcard from Drymen – John Mitchell
»      117     A Brief History of King's Park Football Club – Nigel Bishop
»      131    Records of Her Majesty's Customs and the Port of Alloa, Regarding the Early Development of the Port – Murray Dickie
Volume 36 2013 index cover colour plates
»      5       Powan Coregonus Lavaretus Introduced to Carron Valley Reservoir: A Conservation Exercise - Peter S. Maitland and Alex A. Lyle
»      13     Plant Report 2013 –Schleicher's Thread-moss: Stirlingshire's National Rarity Faces Extinction - Roy Sexton
»      15     Water Quality in the Forth Estuary - Judy Dobson
»      23     Dunblane Weather Report 2012 – Neil Bielby
»      35    Clackmannanshire Otters - Lisa Ford
»      41    Dicranopalpus Ramosus: A Distinctive Non-Native Harvestman Invading Scotland - Michael B. Usher
»      43     Taiga Bean Geese in Scotland - Angus Maciver and John Simpson
»      49     Forth Area Bird Report 2012 - Andre E. Thiel and Chris J. Pendlebury
»      99     Report of the Forth Naturalist and Historian Man and the Landscape Symposium How Green is my Valley: Environmental Health Then and Now in the Forth Valley –  Richard Tipping
»     103   Gardens and Gardeners in Early-Modern Stirling - John G. Harrison
»     117   The History of Botanical Discoveries around Ben Lawers - Dan Watson
»     129   Recent Investigations at the King's Knot Stirlng - Stephen Digney and Richard Jones
»     149   Later Prehistoric Pottery from the King's Park, Stirling - Nick Aitchison
»     161   Report of the Forth Naturalist and Historian Wildlife and Landscape Forum 2012 - Michael B. Usher
»     165   Book Review - The Firth of Forth - An Environmental History, Robert Kitson
Volume 37 2014
»      5      Dunblane Weather Report 2013 – Neil Bielby
»      17    Changes in the King's Park Flora during the last Hundred Years – Roy Sexton
»      31     Rookeries in the Upper Forth Bird Recording Area – Neil Bielby
»      43     2012 and 2013 Moth Records For Stirlingshire and West Perthshire – John T. Knowler
»     49     Forth Area Bird Report 2013 – Chris Pendlebury
»     77     Report on the Forth Naturalist and Historian Wildlife and Landscape Forum 2013 – Michael Usher
»      83    Upper Carron Valley and the Highland Drovers – John Mitchell
»      87    Loch Lomondside's Heraldic Birds and Beasts – John Mitchell
»      91    Prehistoric Pottery from Excavations at the Smith Art Gallery and Museum Stirling – Nick Aitchison
»     101   Man and the Landscape Conference 2013 – Richard Tipping
»     107   What Factors have had the most Impact on Central Scotland's Biodiversity during the last 30 years – Stirling Scottish Wildlife Trust
»     111   Giant Hogweed in the River Allan and the Upper Forth – Guy Harewood
»     121   Tailend Moss - a 30 Year Investigation of the Aquatic Invertebrate Fauna – Craig Macadam
»     129   A Survey of the Hoverflies of the Inner Forth – Scott Shanks
»     135   Falkirk Moths – Heather Young
 »    139   A Survey of Large Heath, Purple Hairstreak and Northern Brown Argus Butterfly Populations in the Forth Valley – Stuart Bence and Lorna Blackmore
Volume 38 2015
»     2014 Conference and 40th FNH Anniversary
»     5 Report of the Forth Naturalist and Historian Man and the Landscape Conference – R. Tipping
»     9 Celebrating 40 years of The Forth Naturalist and Historian – M. Dickie
Naturalist Papers
»     15 The Orchids of Dumbrock Loch Meadows – W. Parkes and S. Longrigg
»     25 Brownfield Biodiversity in the Inner Forth Area – N. Currie and S. Bairner
»     41 Forth Area Bird Report – C.J. Pendlebury and N. Bielby
»     65 Checklist of the Birds of the Upper Forth – N. Bielby and C.J. Pendlebury
»     75 Ringing Report 2014 – B. Darvill
»     77 Dunblane Weather Report 2014 – N. Bielby
Historical Papers
»     89 The Forth Estuary: 40 Years of Change (1970-2010) – D.S. McLusky
»     109 The Clackmannanshire Waggonways – M. Dickie
»     131 Mosses, Maps and Musket Balls: Pinpointing the Location of the Sheriffmuir Battlefield – T. Pollard
»     145 An Environmental History of the Devon Colliery 1792-2014 – J.L. Geller
»     163 King Edward VII's Little Known Railway Halt on the Blane Valley Line – J. Mitchell
»     167 Early Salt Production in the Falkirk District – G.B. Bailey
Volume 39 2016 colour plates
»     1-3 Prelims
Historian Papers
»     5 Change and Crisis in Upland Farming from Pollen Analyses on Ben Lawers c.AD1200 to c.AD1700 – Richard Tipping, Robert McCulloch and Eileen Tisdall
»     17 Mountains and People in the Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park – Bridget Jones
»     29 The Clackmannan Waggonway – Murray Dickie
Naturalist Papers
»     51 Opportunities and Limitations for Whinchats Saxicola rubetra in the Uplands of Central Scotland – John Calladine
»     61 Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) Kirkton and Auchtertyre Farms – Improving the Economic and Environmental Sustainability of Hill Farming – John P. Holland
»     77 The Ochil Hills – The Changing Face of the Uplands – Drew Jamieson
»     97 Orchards of the Forth Valley: A Programme for Revival – Dr. Crispin W. Hayes
»     113 Man and the Landscape Conference – Richard Tipping
»     117 Plant Report 2016: Sticky Catchfly Silene viscaria – Stuart Bence and Lorna M. Blackmore
»     123 Plant Report 2016 Part 2: How Important are The Hillfoots' Populations of Sticky Catchfly (Silene viscaria) in a UK Context? – Roy Sexton
»     129 Dunblane Weather Report 2015 – Neil Bielby and Dr. John Holland
»     141 Forth Area Bird Report 2015 – N. Bielby
Volume 40 2017
»     1-2 Prelims
»     4 Report of the 2016 Forth Naturalist and Historian Conference - Tipping, R.
Naturalist Papers
»     10 The status of bird populations in the Upper Forth over 40 years: 1970s to 2015 - Bryant, D.
»     30 The Journey to Jupiter: 1992 to now - Toner, C.
»     40 Forth Area Bird Report - Bielby, N.
»     86 Plant Report, 2016: Central Scotland's Three Wee Orchids - Sexton, R. and Longrigg, S.
»     94 Dunblane Weather Report, 2016 - Bielby, N. and Holland, J.
Historical Papers
»     108 Callendar Park - Here is the Shade of a Well Peopled Wood - Bailey, G.
»     134 The King's Knot: Scotland's Finest Lost Garden - Brown, M.
»     146 Stirling's Observatory: The High School Telescope - Cayless, A.
»     106 The Lost Settlements of the Three Fields of Clackmannan - Dickie, M.
Volume 41 2018
» 1-2 Prelims
Conference Report
» 4 Report on the 2017 Forth Naturalist and Historian Conference — Tipping, R.
Naturalist Papers
» 8 Larger Moths from the Pool of Muckhart Area - Bryant, D.
» 24 Forth Nature Counts: Building a better picture of wildlife in the Inner Forth Landscape - Fuller, K.
» 40 Two Local Rare Parasitic Plants, Toothwort and Yellow Bird's-Nest Sexton, R.
» 48 Forth Area Bird Report, 2017 Bie1by, N.
» 96 Dunblane and Krkton Weather Report, 2017 Bielby, N and Holland, J.
Historical Papers
» 108 Uncovering the Hidden History of Higgin's Neuk: and Archaeological, Documentary and Environmental Investigation of a Palimpsest Landscape - Graham, Reid, J., Bailey, G. and Tipping, R.
» 128 The Inner Forth Landscape Initiative - Walker, S. and Churchyard, T.
» 144 New Light on the Randolphfield Stones - Savakis, J., Cook, M., Watson, F. and Cook, G.
» 152 Keir Hill of Gargunnock: Redefining the Nebulous, the Re-assessment of a Roman Iron Age Native Settlement — Cook, M., McCormick, Greenshields, Hunter, Cruickshanks, G. and Cook, G.
» 170 The Highlandman's Well and the Logie Well — Smith, J.A.
» 176 The Grange at Grangemouth and the IFLI 'Dig in the Park', - Bailey, Geoff
» 184 Colour Plates.
Volume 42 2019
» 1-2 Prelims
Conference Report
» 3 Report on the Forth Naturalist and Historian Conference 2018, The Ochils – A Special Place by - Tipping, R.
Naturalist Papers
» 10 The Vegetation on Stirling’s Castle Rock, Three Centuries of Change, Part 1 - Sexton, R.
» 28 Upper Forth Area Bird Report 2018 - Bielby, N.
» 77 Hawfinch in the Upper Forth region during the winter of 2017/2018 - Pendlebury, C.
» 80 Ringing Report - 2018 - Darvill, B.
» 84 Dunblane and Kirkton Weather Reports 2018 - Bielby, N. and Holland, J.
Historical Papers
» 100 The Stirling Field and Archaeological Society - Harrison, J.G.
» 122 Pathfoot: The Lost Village of Shoemakers— Black, S.
» 149 The Cotter in the King’s Park: Observations on Stirling’s Royal Park Dyke - Cook, M.
» 153 The Development and Decline of the Craigrie Lade - Dickie, M.
» 194 Stone Blocks and Iron Rails - Wood. A. and Dingwall, R.
» 196 Colour Plates.
Volume 43 2020 / colour illustrations not available
» 1 Prelims
Conference Report
» 3 Report on the Forth Naturalist and Historian Conference, 2019, Natives, Incomers and Invaders - Tipping, R.
Naturalist Papers
» 10 The Vegetation on Stirling's Castle Rock: Three Centuries of Change, Part 2, Gowan Hill - Sexton, R.
» 33 Upper Forth Bird Report, 2019 - Bielby, N.
» 89 Ringing Report - Bielby, N.
» 92 Marsh Harrier Breeding in the Upper Forth, 2019 - Orr-Ewing, D.
» Status of Cattle egret, Little egret and Great white egret in the Upper Forth Bird Recording Area - Pendlebury, C.
» 97 Dunblane and Kirkton Weather Report - Bielby, N. and Holland, J.
Historical Papers
» 115 The Western Ochils: c. 1450 to c. 2000 - Harrison, J.G.
» 132 Stirling Church Life in the Early 19th Century - Scott, K.B.
» 153 World War II Military Activity at Sherrifmuir - Smith, J.A.
» 179 Stirling ‘Statuemania’ and Robert Burns - Whatley, C.A.
Volume 44 will be posted in November 2024